How to Keep Your Legs Healthy:
  • Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Our circulation improves with physical activity, so GET UP! Take a short walk, climb stairs, or make an effort to move around the office and at home.  Avoid prolonged sitting or standing as this may increase leg pain and swelling.
  • After a long tiring day, especially during the summer, revitalise your legs with a cool shower or bath. Avoid extended exposure to heat from sunbathing, hot baths, or the sauna as excessive heat will cause your veins to dilate and may induce swelling.
  • Elevate your legs. To boost your body’s natural circulation, elevate your legs while you are sitting on the sofa or lying in bed at home. At the office, keep a leg rest under your desk. 
  • Work out. Regular exercise helps keep your body healthy. Some sports are better for improving circulation, such as swimming, walking, biking and yoga.
  • Control your weight. When you manage your weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise, you are more likely to have less leg symptoms and/or less swelling.
  • Wear graduated compression socks and stockings. A quality compression socks and stockings improve venous circulation to prevent and treat oedema and venous problems.